Question: 1 / 170

Under which condition are drivers not required to stop if the school bus is approaching?

During nighttime

In a residential area

Along an opposite lane of travel separated by a median of 20ft or more in width

Drivers are not required to stop for a school bus that is approaching when they are traveling along an opposite lane of travel separated by a median of 20 feet or more in width. This is because the physical barrier of the median ensures the safety of the students boarding or exiting the bus on the other side of the road. In this scenario, drivers are not at risk of endangering the children by passing the school bus.

Options A, B, and D are incorrect:

A. During nighttime: Drivers are required to stop for a school bus that is approaching regardless of the time of day.

B. In a residential area: Drivers are still required to stop for a school bus that is approaching, regardless of the location being a residential area or not.

D. When the bus is parked: When a school bus is parked and has its stop sign extended, drivers must also stop to allow children to board or exit the bus safely.

When the bus is parked


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